Question 1

What’s the biggest challenge facing the cannabis industry right now, and how are you and/or your company addressing it?

I believe the biggest challenge the cannabis industry faces continues to be uncertainty. Most of the challenges of working in the cannabis industry stem from the fact that much of what we are all trying to accomplish is unprecedented. Developing a compliant, safe, and successful business in an industry that suffered from prohibition for decades is no easy task. Now, with rescheduling on the horizon there is uncertainty around what that is going to mean to the businesses currently making up the cannabis industry, especially as new captital and large corporations begin dipping their toes into legal cannabis. The Cannabis Chamber of Commerce is constantly striving to facilitate opportunities for our members to share business best practices, educational information, while growing community within the industry. Our efforts to build a strong network of entrepreneurs, businesses and brands will allow our industry to have a unified voice and focused goals as we continue evolving and expanding across not only the United States, but globally.

Question 2

Where do you see the most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in cannabis?

There is such a massive untapped market out there, and no I am not talking about the States which have yet to legalize. I am talking about the moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas who have yet to utilize cannabis in their day to day routines. One of the mistakes I continue to see cannabis brands make is that they continue to market to a demgraphic who already purchases cannabis, rather than focusing their marketing to attract new cannabis consumers. Rather than focusing your marketing on stoners and rather than touting high THC everything, brands should look into offering low-dose and low-THC options to consumers. Start bringing in the father who, after a long day of work, comes home and cracks open a few beers to relax. Or the mom who, after a long day, could benefit from an edible before bed to help them sleep. There are such huge opportunities to market to a broader demographic, and I see too many brands completely missing the mark, and then wondering why they struggle. 

Question 3

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to break into the cannabis industry?

Be honest, trustworthy and professional. Also be willing to be flexible and roll with the punches. The compliant industry may be a decade old, but changes and new challenges are constant. Being wiling to adapt and overcome, while having a positive attitude and a focus on the goal has always served me well. The cannabis industry and the community within is small and tight-knit. If you are a good player your reputation will proceed you. Same goes if you are a bad player or dishonest.

Question 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences in the cannabis industry?

It’s not for everyone. Most of the people who have lasted as long as I have in this industry do so because the plant has made a profound difference in their life in some way. This is an incredibly difficult industry to work in, it is so complex and diverse, and there are challenges around every corner. It takes passionate professionals to continue to move our industry forward. Thankfully cannabis has made a positive impact in so many people’s lives that there is no shortage of passionate people pushing the plant forward.

Question 5

What do you want your legacy to be as it relates to the cannabis industry?

I entered the cannabis industry after spending a decade and a half working for various software companies. I was burned out and looking for something ‘fun’ to do next, so I took a job as a budtender at a dispensary in Denver in 2014. What has kept me in the industry for over a decade is my mother. Unfortunately she lost her battle with cancer in 2016. As a conservative woman in Nebraska, she was terrified of using cannabis to treat the symptoms she was suffering from, which were brought on from her cancer treatments. After using cannabis she was able to experience a high quality of life at the end of hers, and she told me that if her story helps others to gain access to the medicines they need to treat their suffering to please spread the word. My goal has always been to support businesses who do things the right way, so that we can continue to break down stigmas and prohibitions so that people like my mom can properly treat what ails them. I would hope my legacy in this industry highlights my efforts in breaking down stigmas, elevating the professionalism in the industry, and doing it all while being honest, humble and hard working.

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