Question 1

What’s the biggest challenge facing the cannabis industry right now, and how are you and/or your company addressing it?

Evolution. How to remain relevant and successful as the community evolves into an industry. We’re constantly reworking, updating, experimenting, and pontificating about our businesses to stay on the bleeding edge. 

Question 2

Where do you see the most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in cannabis?

The tech side of the industry is super interesting to me personally. What’s going to happen as this becomes federally legal and Cannabis intersects technology.

Question 3

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to break into the cannabis industry?

The biggest companies have not been started yet. An intern today could become CEO of a major company in just a few years. 

Question 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences in the cannabis industry?

Perseverance. Every day the industry changes. It’s like the Walking Dead, you can have a plan but it quickly goes out the window after you kick the door open and zombies rush you from all different angles. 

Question 5

What do you want your legacy to be as it relates to the cannabis industry?

I want to be proud of the Cannabis industry in the future and make sure that I help protect its authenticity.

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