Question 1

What’s the biggest challenge facing the psychedelics industry right now, and how are you and/or your company addressing it?

The biggest challenges are obviously getting these drugs FDA approved so that they can reach the masses, but also affordability and education.  The state-level opportunities are opening doors, but it’s still expensive for the average person to participate or know where to go or how to safely consume these medicines. At reMind we see ourselves as the platform to bring professionals together to have these discussions, share best practices, and learnings. For example, at our last event we had an amazing speaker whose clinic in Oakland was able to provide ketamine-assisted therapy sessions for as low as $60 as part of their training programs curriculum. So, while their regular sessions are at the $1500+ tier, they created a model that helped their trainees and those that can’t afford a full-priced session.

Question 2

Where do you see the most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in psychedelics?

I think the drug development route has the most innovation in the different types of compounds being created.  For example, Psilera is working on a compound that removes the hallucination effect, BioMind is working with 5-MeO-DMT for depression & anxiety in Alzheimer’s. Everything from fibromyalgia to spinal industries, cluster headaches, to treatment resistant depression are being studied right now, so it’s exciting to see these medicines being used for conditions that our traditional healthcare and pharmaceutical companies haven’t been able to properly help. 

Question 3

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to break into the psychedelics industry?

Be patient, learn as much as you can from trusted sources, keep a close eye on policy changes, and always put your customers’ health and wellbeing first.

Question 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences in the psychedelics industry?

Building relationships that support each other’s missions and goals is critical in these early days. 

Question 5

What do you want your legacy to be as it relates to the psychedelics industry?

I want reMind to be known for its quality event, place to find connections and a resource guide as it pertains the professional industry being created today.

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