Question 1

What’s the biggest challenge facing the cannabis industry right now, and how are you and/or your company addressing it?

The cannabis industry’s biggest challenges are navigating complex regulations and overcoming stigma. At Beard Bros., we address this by informing the public, advocating for sensible policies, and fostering industry collaboration. We work together to empower businesses with tools and resources to succeed, ultimately building a more sustainable and equitable cannabis industry.

Question 2

Where do you see the most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in cannabis?

The most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in cannabis lies in the development of novel cannabinoid therapeutics and personalized medicine. As research expands, we are discovering the potential of various cannabinoids to treat a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and anxiety to neurodegenerative diseases.

The ability to tailor cannabis-based treatments to individual needs, considering genetic and lifestyle factors, could revolutionize healthcare and improve patient outcomes. Additionally, advancements in cultivation techniques, product formulation, and delivery methods will continue to drive innovation and expand the market for cannabis-based products.

Question 3

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to break into the cannabis industry?

Network relentlessly and embrace continuous learning. The cannabis industry is rapidly evolving, and building relationships with experienced professionals is crucial. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with people on platforms like LinkedIn. Pay close attention to bad actors. Stay informed about the latest regulations, research, and trends through trade publications, webinars, and educational resources. Be adaptable and open to new opportunities because the industry’s landscape is constantly shifting.

Question 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences in the cannabis industry?

The most important lesson I’ve learned is that the cannabis industry is much more about people than it is business. It’s about the patients who rely on cannabis for medical relief, the consumers who enjoy it recreationally, the communities that benefit from its economic impact, and the advocates who fight for fair and equitable access. Every decision we make as industry leaders has a ripple effect on these stakeholders, and it’s our responsibility to act ethically, responsibly, and with their best interests in mind.

Question 5

What do you want your legacy to be as it relates to the cannabis industry?

I just want to continue to connect good people to good opportunities. I aspire to be a bridge builder in the cannabis industry, continuing to foster strong relationships with our partners and growing our businesses together while also empowering communities and elevating industry standards through ethical leadership and advocacy. My goal is to foster innovation and leave behind a sustainable, inclusive industry that is recognized as a force for good.

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