Question 1

What’s the biggest challenge facing the cannabis industry right now, and how are you and/or your company addressing it?

Listening to the consumer/patient. Capitalism has brought a lot of great innovation to the space, but finance guys don’t need to be making decisions on what sells and how to sell it. We are addressing it by being the first patient owned/led brand in PA. We want to show how successful just a couple of guys that have worked in every area from packaging to lab to cultivation and brand development can be as leaders in the space, giving the power back to the patients.

Question 2

Where do you see the most exciting opportunity for growth and innovation in cannabis?

Long term, beverages. As FDA is weighing in on areas like warning labels on alcohol, we have a unique opportunity to switch people over to a healthier buzz that not only has less side effects, but also health benefits. I think sports and reaching new demographics such as the make america healthy again crowd can really add to the space.

Question 3

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to break into the cannabis industry?

Ownership mentality. If you want to be successful, treat it as your own. Use that as a blueprint for when you are afforded the opportunity to launch something of your own. It is hard work, but you avoid burnout when you love it.

Question 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences in the cannabis industry?

There is corruption in every industry. Keep your head down, stand on your values and never compromise. Be your authentic self and strive to be a positive member of the society. When the tide rises, all ships do.

Question 5

What do you want your legacy to be as it relates to the cannabis industry?

My most important legacy is being remembered as a good dad. That transfers over into cannabis. I want to be remembered as a good leader who stood his ground and made the community a better place. That is why our brand earmarks revenue to rebuild playgrounds and community gardens. As the dead said “We don’t own this place, though we act as we did. It belongs to the children of our children’s kids.