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Cannabis Connoisseurs: How to Find the Best Cannabis Topicals

The first known topical use of cannabis is recorded in the Ebers papyrus, written around 1500 BC in Egypt, where the plant is mentioned for its medicinal properties for treating inflammation. Way before I ever smoked weed I would go to a friend’s house and his abuela always had a mason jar full of cannabis and cloth bandages soaking in some liquid. He said those cloths would ease any pains the family would have. Topically applied cannabis is nothing new, but too few consumers are tapping in to this age old, all natural remedy.

In the weed world, the category of “Topicals” can cover a wide range of cannabis-infused product types but they’ll all be specifically formulated to be applied to the skin, rather than ingested or inhaled like more common consumption methods.

So, think of things like:

  • Balms
  • Bath salts/bombs
  • Gels
  • Lotions
  • Patches
  • Salves

These products are typically formulated with a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, most often with a predominant blend of CBD and THC, though many purely CBD versions exist in nations and states that have yet to form regulated cannabis markets.

When you look at regulated markets across the US and even in Canada, cannabis topicals account for less than 1% of the total sales in each country, and the numbers are not getting any better. Here in the US, for example, the Topicals category hit its peak market share in 2018 with 1.89% of total sales nationwide. That number has steadily dropped in the past five years and now the category commands just 0.7% of total market share.

To us, this goes back to Cannabis Marketing 101, one of the first lessons you learn when slangin weed sacks: It’s easy to sell someone a bag of weed… when they come back for more is when you have a business.

The 2018 peak (as humble as it was), followed by a slow but steady decline in popularity/sales means many folks who bought cannabis infused Topicals in recent years didn’t have their expectations met and aren’t coming back for more. 

The fact is, there are some amazing and highly effective Topical cannabis products on menus in dispensaries from Cali to Calgary to Cape Cod! Let’s see if we can help you find some.

Identifying Your Needs and Setting Expectations with Cannabis Topicals

Here in the US, Topicals that contain 300mg of THC or more make up 1/3rd of all sales in the category. But the fact is that because topically delivered cannabinoids do not enter the bloodstream, you’re not going to get “high” or “overdose” from cannabis Topicals, regardless of the ratios promised on the packaging.

Instead, the essential compounds from the cannabis infusion penetrate the skin and naturally hone in on CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the region where the Topical is applied making that miraculous connection and healing begins.

This ability to target specific regions of the body that may be experiencing any number of inflammation-based ailments with such a powerful and effective all natural, anti-inflammatory solution is nothing short of a miracle for the people who have found real relief through.

For millennia it seems, people have been combatting nerve pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, and more with some reefer they rubbed on their skin. It was good enough for pharoahs, for fucks sake, but today’s custies want neon moonrocks!

Sorry, I digress… the point is, you first need to realize and appreciate that cannabis can heal without getting you baked. That’s an option for those who need it. That’s a good thing. 

In our many years of crafting and distributing RSO to countless medical patients, we have heard dozens of firsthand stories of “miracles” and “cures” from cannabis applied topically to anything from open wounds, to deep nerve pain, to tumors. Success stories.

With Topicals taking less than 1% of the market share it sure feels like we are leaving a lot of healing on the table.

Because the “risk” of intoxication is near zero with any topically applied cannabis product, it is extremely safe to personally experiment with different cannabinoid ratios, application schedules, and delivery methods. You may find that a lotion or gel that penetrates faster is more beneficial, or the slow release of a balm or transdermal patch may be more conducive to your needs.

Reading Between the Lines to Find an Effective Cannabis Topical

Due to the federal government’s decades-long discrimination of the cannabis plant and its Schedule I status with Uncle Sam, the FDA does not oversee state-regulated cannabis markets or products, but that doesn’t mean they ain’t watching!

The feds are quick to pounce on any cannabis (or hemp) product that makes medical claims in any part of their branding, marketing, or packaging. This is why so many Topical cannabis products are forced to resort to more general terminology like “calming” instead of “CANCER KILLING”. 

So, as always, reading the pertinent parts of the packaging and understanding what you are looking at is key to having an optimal experience with cannabis Topicals. For this product type, that primarily means cannabinoid ratios and delivery method.

However, other things to look out for are:

  • Other Ingredients – Many Topical cannabis products contain carriers or enhancers like MCT oil, or essential oils. If you know you have skin allergies, cannabis Topicals can potentially help with that, too! But you don’t want to aggravate them with unnecessary and avoidable additives.
  • Brand Name – It matters! These days you can learn a lot about a brand and their ethos with a simple search. You might find that the brand is founded by women and their products are formulated for coping with menstrual cycles or menopause. As a 30 year old male truck driver with a bad elbow, that might not be the best fit.Find the best fit and support them!
  • Savvy Budtenders – Admittedly, cannabis Topicals are rarely a popular topic for discussion at parties. Instead, ask a lot of questions at your favorite dispensaries and you might just find a fellow Topicals aficionado behind the counter (or even behind you in line) who can lend some of their experiences to your purchasing process.

If all else fails, it is also easier than ever to make your own cannabis topicals right at home. There are many how-to guides online but it can be as simple as blending your chosen dose of Beard Bros Pharms RSO into your favorite lotion, balm, or salve and then applying it where you need it. Cannabis topicals sold in dispensaries are subject to regulations regarding their total package potency. Some patients’ needs exceed that limit so making cannabis Topicals at home is a great way to BOOST that potency to tackle the toughest challenges.

Less than 1% of the market share is a disappointing number but this really is a case of if it keeps one person off of deadly prescription painkillers,or helps one person find comfort from cancer, or any one person in any one of the many ways we know it can, then it is a viable form of cannabis consumption that we should all support and advocate for.

As with all forms of cannabis consumption, find a brand you can trust that is sourcing active ingredients and putting out products that you can rely on and support them with your spending. 

By doing so, together we can build a better marketplace from the grassroots on up.

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