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Florida Hemp Industry Pledge Millions to DeSantis’ Fight Against Adult-Use Cannabis

The intertwining of politics and business isn’t new, but when it involves pledges of millions and controversial bills, eyebrows are bound to rise. Recently, the Florida hemp industry has pledged significant sums to the Republican Party of Florida following Governor Ron DeSantis’s veto of a bill that would have imposed strict regulations on their industry. Now, this financial support is being channeled to counter Amendment 3, which seeks to legalize adult-use cannabis in Florida.

The Backdrop of Florida’s Hemp Industry

Florida’s hemp industry has seen rapid growth in recent years. Hemp, derived from the cannabis plant but with lower THC levels compared to marijuana, offers various products, from textiles to health supplements. This industry felt threatened by Senate Bill 1698, which aimed to restrict THC products like Delta 8 and Delta 9.

On June 27, Governor DeSantis vetoed SB 1698, a decision that surprised many, especially as other states have been tightening regulations on similar products. This move raised questions about DeSantis’ motives and whether he was attempting to pit the hemp and cannabis industries in Florida against each other.

The bill’s restrictions would have stifled the hemp industry, potentially costing thousands of jobs and billions in revenue. According to WhatsApp messages reviewed by CBS News Miami, hemp executives expressed relief and gratitude, pledging $5 million to the Republican Party of Florida. So far, they have raised $2 million. Their goal? To support DeSantis’ and the Florida GOP’s stance against the legalization of recreational marijuana through Amendment 3.

The WhatsApp messages revealed specific pledges, detailing contributions ranging from $500 to $250,000.

Allegations of Quid Pro Quo in Florida Hemp Veto Dispute

“We know nothing in life is free and neither was this veto,” Read the introductory message in the WhatsApp thread titled Save Florida Hemp.

While the Governor’s Office and hemp executives deny any unethical conduct, critics argue otherwise. The timing and nature of the donations have sparked allegations of a quid pro quo arrangement.

In an interview with CBS, Ernie Ciaccio, a Florida hemp distributor and member of Save Florida Hemp, dismissed any allegations of unethical conduct.

“They [critics] want to talk about quid pro quo,” Ciaccio said. “Look, that’s not what this is. What this is, is a governor who fought for small business, who said clearly when he issued the veto that he didn’t like the legislation because it was going to hurt small business. And this is small business stepping up to the plate and supporting that governor against an initiative that not only he feels is wrong, but we as an industry feel is wrong.”

CBS highlights that not everyone on the WhatsApp message board seems happy to donate to the Republican Party and support DeSantis.

“Sucks,” said one post. “Used by the devil.” Another noted: “Enemy of my enemy is my friend type situation.”

Governor DeSantis has been vocal in his opposition to the legalization of recreational marijuana. He has even stated that Amendment 3 would lead to Florida cities and towns being permeated with the smell of marijuana, ultimately diminishing the “quality of life,” which just highlights his lack of knowledge of the cannabis industry.

The Impact of Amendment 3 on the Hemp Industry

If passed, Amendment 3 would legalize adult-use cannabis in Florida, significantly altering the landscape for hemp businesses. Many hemp companies fear that the increased competition from marijuana products would harm their profitability and market share. This concern has galvanized the industry to rally against the amendment, leveraging their financial contributions to try to influence the outcome.

Hemp and marijuana, though derived from the same plant, serve different markets. Hemp products have lower THC levels, making them less potent and more accessible. In contrast, marijuana contains higher THC concentrations, appealing to recreational users and medical users seeking stronger medication than what hemp products provide.

Desantis and the Florida GOP Face an Uphill Battle

Despite the efforts of Governor DeSantis, the Florida GOP, and the hemp industry, the campaign against Amendment 3 is proving challenging. Polls show strong public support for legalizing recreational cannabis in Florida, indicating a strong chance the amendment may pass. The current $2 million raised by hemp companies to oppose the amendment seems modest compared to the significant financial backing Amendment 3 has received.

The large Multi-State Operator (MSO) cannabis companies in Florida are leading the push for legalization. Trulieve, the largest player in the state’s cannabis industry, has contributed over $30 million to the pro-Amendment 3 campaign.

Other Florida medical marijuana companies have also added $15 million, creating a combined fund that surpasses the reported Desantis and Florida hemp industry resources. With such financial support and strong public sentiment in favor of legalization, DeSantis and the hemp industry face a significant challenge in opposing Amendment 3.

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