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Legalization is Boosting Cannabis Tax Revenue and State Programs

United States – Cannabis enthusiasts have long been aware of the enormous potential our favorite plant holds—not just medicinally and recreationally but economically. Cannabis tax revenue is becoming a new source of tax revenue for states that legalize marijuana, supporting public funds and funding social programs. In the final quarter of 2023, the cannabis industry has again shown that it can significantly contribute to state budgets.

Cannabis Tax Revenue in Q4 2023

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s quarterly cannabis tax data tool, legal cannabis brought in over $450 million in excise taxes combined from the top-performing states. This figure underscores the growing importance of marijuana as a legitimate and valuable source of tax revenue. These numbers are based on 2023 Q4 data, the latest information from the U.S. Census Bureau. It should be noted that the website labels this as “experimental data.”

In total, twenty-three states and Washington, D.C. have legalized recreational marijuana, generating over $3 billion in tax revenue in 2023 alone.

Top Five States by Cannabis Tax Revenue

1. California

  • Total Revenue: $160 million
  • California continues to lead the nation in cannabis tax revenue. With its large population and mature market, the Golden State saw $160 million in excise tax from cannabis sales in Q4 2023 alone.

2. Washington

  • Total Revenue: $113.4 million
  • Washington is another state that has maximized its cannabis tax revenue potential. With $113.4 million collected in Q4 2023

3. Michigan

  • Total Revenue: $73.1 million
  • Michigan has rapidly climbed the ranks to become one of the top states for cannabis tax revenue. The state collected $73.1 million in Q4 2023.

4. Illinois

  • Total Revenue: $69.1 million
  • Illinois brought in $69.1 million in cannabis excise tax in Q4 2023. The state has been making strides in ensuring that the benefits of cannabis legalization reach all communities, particularly those historically affected by the War on Drugs. Illinois’ commitment to social equity makes its achievements in tax revenue even more impressive.

5. Colorado

  • Total Revenue: $60.1 million
  • Despite being one of the early adopters of cannabis legalization, Colorado remains a top performer. The state generated $60.1 million in Q4 2023.

Top States by Cannabis Tax Revenue as a Percentage of Total Tax Revenue

While raw tax revenue figures are impressive, it’s also insightful to consider cannabis tax revenue as a percentage of a state’s total tax income. This metric highlights the relative importance of cannabis tax in each state’s public finances.

1. Washington

  • Percentage of Total Tax Revenue: 1.37%
  • As mentioned, Washington’s cannabis tax revenue $113 million made up a significant share of its total tax, underlining the economic importance of marijuana in the state.

2. Alaska

  • Percentage of Total Tax Revenue: 1.32%
  • Although Alaska’s total tax revenue from cannabis was $7 million in Q4 2023, it represented a substantial 1.32% of the state’s overall tax revenue of $534 million. For a smaller state like Alaska, this highlights the substantial impact even a modest cannabis market can have.

3. Colorado

  • Percentage of Total Tax Revenue: 1.23%
  • With $60.1 million in cannabis excise tax revenue and total tax revenue of $4.9 Billion, Colorado’s percentage of total tax revenue stands at 1.23%.

4. Montana

  • Percentage of Total Tax Revenue: 1.09%
  • Newer to the cannabis market, Montana is already seeing significant returns. Cannabis tax revenue accounted for 1.09% of the state’s total tax revenue, which was $1.2 billion.

5. Oregon

  • Percentage of Total Tax Revenue: 0.79%
  • Rounding out the top five, Oregon’s marijuana tax revenue represented 0.79% of its total tax income, which stood at just over $4,5 billion, reflecting a well-integrated and growing market.

An intriguing aspect of 2023 data is that in several states, cannabis tax revenue surpassed alcohol tax revenue. Arizona, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon all saw more tax revenue from marijuana than alcohol, as outlined by the Tax Foundation. This shift indicates changing consumer preferences and the increasing normalization of cannabis.

The Growing Financial Impact of Legal Cannabis

The data from Q4 2023 underscores the substantial financial impact of legal marijuana on state tax revenues. States like California and Washington have demonstrated that cannabis can be a cornerstone of public finance, funding essential services and contributing to overall fiscal health.

As more states look to legalize marijuana, these financial benefits will likely encourage further adoption. The revenue generated can fund public education, healthcare, and social equity initiatives, ensuring that the benefits of legalization are widely felt.

For cannabis enthusiasts, these numbers are more than just financial figures—they represent the growing acceptance and integration of cannabis into mainstream society. As we look ahead, it’s clear that the cannabis industry will continue to play a vital role in the economic landscape of the United States.

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