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Santa Barbara County Grew Nearly 10 Million Pounds of Cannabis in 2023

If you’ve been following California’s cannabis industry, you might have noticed an unexpected trend. While various parts of the state’s cannabis sector face challenges, Santa Barbara County is thriving. According to the county’s latest Crop & Livestock Report for 2023, it was on the brink of producing nearly 10 million pounds of cannabis, making it the clear production leader of cannabis in California by a significant margin.

Santa Barbara County’s Cannabis Numbers

Santa Barbara County has emerged as a significant player in the cannabis industry. Last year alone, the county saw a nearly 50% increase in cannabis production. According to the latest crop report, Santa Barbara produced nearly 9.9 million pounds of cannabis worth $328.9 million in 2023. This dramatic growth highlights the county’s role as a powerhouse in the state’s cannabis sector.

Traditionally, Northern California’s Emerald Triangle has held the title of the largest cannabis-producing region in the state, if not the world. These northern counties have been known for their high-quality cannabis and world-renowned expertise. Santa Barbara is redefining the narrative on sheer production through its large-scale operations and significant production volumes.

Santa Barbara has emerged as the largest cannabis-producing county in California, cultivating 40% of the state’s total cannabis output, according to the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).

In 2023, Santa Barbara was estimated to have produced nearly 10 million pounds of packaged cannabis, more than double the 3.6 million pounds produced by its nearest competitor, Monterey County, as first reported by SFGate.

While the majority of cannabis grown in Santa Barbara is lower-grade commodity cannabis intended for concentrates and edibles, the sheer quantity produced is staggering. The county’s farms focus on mass production, which makes it the largest cannabis growing region in California.

Economic Impact From Cannabis

Cannabis has quickly become an essential part of Santa Barbara County’s agricultural landscape. It is now the second most valuable crop, trailing only strawberries, and this shift has brought substantial economic benefits to the county.

Santa Barbara’s cannabis industry generated $328.9 million in revenue last year, marking a 28% increase from the previous year. This growth is impressive, especially considering the overall industry’s challenges, such as falling wholesale prices, lack of payment, and stringent regulations.

The booming cannabis sector has also created numerous job opportunities in the county. From cultivation to distribution, the industry supports a wide range of employment options. Local officials are optimistic that cannabis will become a stable revenue stream for the county.

Brittany Odermann, deputy county executive officer for Santa Barbara, told SFGATE that the county is hoping the growing industry will eventually become a stable agricultural force for the local government.

“We’re excited about what this could mean for the future of the industry and the revenue stream [for the county],” Odermann said.

Cannabis has quickly become an essential part of Santa Barbara County’s agricultural landscape. It is now the second most valuable crop, trailing only strawberries. According to the report, in 2023, strawberries held the top spot as the number one agricultural crop, with a gross production value of $775,282,000, even though they reported a decrease of 4.4% from 2022, primarily due to weather-related factors.

Interestingly, the report’s summary omits cannabis as the second most valuable agricultural crop. Instead, it cites Nursery Products, valued at $122,301,000, which is over $200 million less than what the cannabis industry contributed to the county.

Why is the Production of Cannabis Going Up in Santa Barbara County?

Several factors contribute to Santa Barbara’s massive numbers in cannabis production. Understanding these elements can provide valuable insights for other regions looking to capitalize on the cannabis market.

Santa Barbara’s climate and geography are ideal for cannabis cultivation. The region offers plenty of sunlight, moderate temperatures, and fertile soil, creating optimal growing conditions.

Unlike the small farms in the Emerald Triangle, Santa Barbara’s cannabis farms are massive, will some spanning over millions of square feet. This scale allows for higher production volumes and greater efficiencies.

Also, local policies in Santa Barbara have been relatively supportive of cannabis cultivation. The county has implemented regulations that facilitate the flourishing of large-scale operations, which is the opposite of the regulatory frameworks farmers in Nor Cal and other counties have to deal with.

Santa Barbara County’s emergence as California’s leading cannabis producer highlights the sector’s rapid evolution. A decade ago, it would have seemed ludicrous to suggest that this southern Californian county would surpass the renowned Emerald Triangle in cannabis cultivation.

This success is largely due to less restrictive regulations and the approval of large-scale operations, fostering an environment conducive to bulk production. While some argue that Santa Barbara prioritizes quantity over quality—an argument with merit—the sheer volume of cannabis produced in the region is undeniable.

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