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Big Island Grown Completes First Legal Hawaii Transfer Of Cannabis Between Islands

The topic of inter-island transfer of cannabis in Hawaii has gained a lot of attention in recent years. With the legalization of medical marijuana in the state, there has been a growing demand for the transportation of cannabis between islands.

This issue has been a subject of debate and discussion among lawmakers and industry leaders, and recently, it made headlines as Big Island Grown (BIG) became the first company to complete a legal transfer of cannabis between islands. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the state’s medical marijuana program and has important implications for the future of cannabis regulation in Hawaii.

The legalization of inter-island transfer of cannabis is crucial for ensuring that patients have access to their prescribed medication regardless of which island they reside on. Before this, patients had to travel long distances or rely on illegal means to obtain their medicine.

This was not only inconvenient but also posed serious health and safety risks. With legal inter-island transfer, patients can now have peace of mind knowing they can access their medicine without any state legal barriers.

Medical Cannabis In Hawaii

Hawaii has had a medical marijuana program since 2000, when it became the first state to legalize medical cannabis through legislation rather than a ballot initiative. However, despite this progress, the transportation of cannabis between islands remained illegal due to federal law.

The federal government’s jurisdiction over airspace and waters surrounding Hawaii meant that any transfer of cannabis between islands could potentially be considered a violation of federal law, which posed a significant hindrance to the state’s medical marijuana program, as it prevented patients from accessing their medication through legal means.

The impact of this federal law on the inter-island transfer of cannabis in Hawaii has been significant. It not only forced patients to either travel long distances or resort to illegal means to obtain their medicine but also limited the growth and expansion of the state’s medical cannabis industry. It also created challenges for companies looking to establish operations on multiple islands, hindering their ability to serve a more extensive customer base.

Recent Legislative Changes

In June, the Hawaii State Legislature passed a bill allowing the legal transfer of medical cannabis between islands, marking a significant change in state law and addressing one of the key barriers to the growth and expansion of the medical marijuana program.

Governor Josh Green played a pivotal role in making this legislation a reality by signing it into law. As a physician himself, Gov. Green understands the importance of ensuring access to medicine for patients and recognized the need for legal inter-island transfer of cannabis in Hawaii. His support has been crucial in bringing this issue to the forefront and making it a reality.

First Legal Transfer: Big Island Grown (BIG)

Big Island Grown (BIG) became the first company to complete a legal inter-island transfer of cannabis in Hawaii. This is a major accomplishment for the company, as well as for the state’s medical marijuana program.

BIG describes its production center as “Nestled between the mountain and the sea, our 35,000 square foot, purpose-built production facility uses innovative techniques and technology to provide premium and sustainable, indoor-grown cannabis for our community. Using clean room protocol, climate control technology and strategic construction allows us to grow craft cannabis without the use of herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides.”

The company has been a key player in advocating for legal inter-island transfer of cannabis and was one of the prominent supporters of the recent legislative changes.

Details of the first legal transfer between Big Island and Kauai have not been disclosed, but it is believed to be a wholesale transaction involving multiple strains of medical cannabis. In a recent interview with Marijuana Moment, “We completed the first wholesale delivery in the state history on September 1,” co-founder and CEO Jaclyn Moore said, “We are in every dispensary on Kauai now.”

But BIG does not just plan on stopping there, “We’re looking now at Maui and Oahu,” she added. “Really every island where there’s a dispensary.”

In the interview, she was asked about whether cannabis products were transported by boat, airplane, or some other sort of transportation. “It’s falling from the sky,” she said jokingly, “The Department of Health in the state is not prescribing how that actually gets done, What they are prescribing is the responsible way of ensuring that it, you know, continues to be monitored” through tracking systems set in place from the state.

Moore continued by saying that the Hawai’i Cannabis Industry Association (which she holds a policy chair) “has made it very clear that the licensees are assuming the risk for transport and that, you know, the state law and its protections do not affect federal law and its enforcement.”

While this first legal transfer of cannabis between islands is a major milestone, challenges still need to be addressed. The federal government’s jurisdiction over airspace and waters surrounding Hawaii remains an issue, as it could potentially impact future transfers.

Additionally, previous attempts to legalize inter-island transfer have been met with resistance from both sides – advocates who believe it could lead to increased illegal activity and opponents who believe it could increase crime rates.

However, with the recent legislative changes and successful transfer by BIG, it is clear that there is a growing recognition of the importance of legal inter-island transfer for patients and the state’s medical cannabis industry. It is hoped that further progress can be made to address these challenges and ensure safe and legal transportation of cannabis between islands.

Overall, the first legal transfer of cannabis between islands in Hawaii marks a significant step forward for the state’s medical marijuana program and its patients. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of those involved in advocating for this change and the support from Governor Josh Green.

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