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CA Cannabis Task Force Seizes Over $101 Million in “Retail Value” in Just Three Months

In a recent report released by the Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce (UCETF), it was revealed that over $101 million worth of cannabis was seized during the third quarter of 2023. This represents a significant amount of illegal product confiscated by the task force, created through California Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2022-2023 budget to target illicit cannabis operations.

While the numbers may seem large, it is crucial to question the accuracy of these estimates. As stated by law enforcement officials, estimations of the street value of seized marijuana are often inflated and can be misleading.


The Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce (UCETF) is a multi-departmental effort created by California Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2022-2023 budget to combat illegal cannabis operations. The task force consists of various agencies, including the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the Homeland Security Division of the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). These agencies work together to coordinate enforcement efforts and protect public safety, safeguard natural resources, and advance the integrity of the legal cannabis market.

UCETF’s Seizures in Quarter 3

During the third quarter of 2023, in a press release, the UCETF said the unit was focused on targeting larger illegal cannabis operations that posed a significant threat to the environment and public safety. As a result, the task force was able to seize over $101 million worth of unlicensed cannabis products, including almost 100,000 plants and over 61,000 pounds of illegal cannabis.

The UCETF also reported a significant increase in firearm seizures compared to the previous quarter. In total, 69 crime-linked firearms were seized during enforcement operations – a 363% increase from the prior quarter. These efforts not only disrupt the illegal cannabis supply chain but also improve consumer and public safety.

It is worth noting that these numbers were achieved despite the task force serving 35% fewer search warrants in the quarter.

“For the last three months, UCETF has been focused on larger, outdoor cannabis operations that posed a significant threat to the environment and public safety” stated Bill Jones, Chief of the Law Enforcement Division for DCC. “Many of these illegal cannabis operations are linked to organized crime, and in addition to threatening the environment and communities, the products these operations pose a direct threat to consumer health and the stability of the legal cannabis market.”

“Over the past quarter, UCTEF conducted several highly coordinated operations that will disrupt the illegal supply chain and improve consumer and public safety. The task force focused on rural areas where illegal cultivators have been conducting unlicensed operations,” said Nathaniel Arnold, Acting Chief of Enforcement for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. “These enforcement numbers represent the hard work and commitment from our multiagency teams. I applaud our officers and partner agencies who worked tirelessly to identify these clandestine operations and provide a good measure of public and consumer safety.”

“Since inception, UCETF has seized $295,284,220.94 in unlicensed cannabis through the serving of 203 search warrants. The taskforce has also eradicated 277,314 plants and seized 101 firearms.”

Inflated Numbers?

It is not uncommon for law enforcement agencies to inflate numbers when reporting seizures. In the case of cannabis, these inflated estimates are often based on the price per gram, which is already inflated by illegal market prices. This calculation method can lead to misleading and exaggerated values of seized cannabis products.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that the price per gram calculation is not an accurate representation of the illegal cannabis market. This is because most cannabis sales are done in bulk, not by individual grams. Therefore, using this method to calculate the value of seized products can lead to inflated numbers and a false perception of the market.

Inflating these numbers may also serve as a tactic for law enforcement agencies to create a sense of success and justify their efforts in targeting illegal cannabis operations. However, as previously mentioned, these numbers need to accurately reflect the reality of the market and can be misleading to the public.

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