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Cultivation Starts In Spain

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When you think about cannabis cultivation in Europe, which country do you think of first? France, or Denmark, maybe? One country that you might not have thought of, and indeed might surprise many, is Spain. As a matter of fact, Spain and France tied for the highest cannabis usage among adults in Europe in 2019, with eleven percent of their populations consuming cannabis.

Spanish cannabis tolerance is high, and its permissive cannabis regulations are among the most liberal in Europe. However, the Spanish government has been grappling with the legal considerations surrounding cannabis use by its citizens and visitors as cannabis laws continue to change worldwide. With the more widespread social acceptance of cannabis and cannabinoids and a growing need for medical cannabis cultivation, laws must change to keep up. How did that happen, where does the state of medical cannabis stand, and what does the future hold for Spanish cannabis laws?

What Is The State Of Spain’s Cannabis Cultivation

So Spanish laws concerning cannabis, both its usage and cultivation, are a little bit confusing. Growing and using cannabis for personal consumption is legal, but selling or trafficking cannabis is prohibited. Spain is unique in that its drug laws do not apply to private residences or places; therefore, if someone grows and smokes cannabis at home, they will be outside the reach of Spanish rule. You will only be caught if you consume in public or sell to others. Additionally, while smoking cannabis in public places is prohibited, there is a rising trend of “cannabis clubs” where members smoke out of public sight.

Many Spaniards have a few plants in their homes as this is less expensive and won’t catch the government’s attention. Because of the climate, outdoor growing is prevalent, and three consecutive outdoor crops can be grown, especially in the Southern parts of Spain. It is more probable to acquire two successive crops from auto-flowering seeds in the north of Spain, particularly the Catalan region.

Since commercial medical cannabis exports began in H2 2020, Spain already has sales to three nations, 11 licensed cultivators, and two licensed manufacturers. This marks Spain as a European cannabis-producing powerhouse, but it may only be the beginning. While producers have more chances than ever before, and Spain is leading the way in growing commercial supply, the country has the problem of needing to adjust and become more flexible to accommodate the current market reality. Strangely this country disallows medical cannabis use, even after decriminalizing marijuana for personal use and cultivation. 

Does Spain’s Medical Cannabis Industry Differ From Other Countries?

Spain is a little odd compared to most other nations, especially for cannabis used for medical purposes. While personal use and cultivation are decriminalized in the country, Spanish doctors have no current legal avenues to prescribe cannabis to their patients. Most patients, however, are still unable to receive almost any legal, medical cannabis products. This is even though, according to a recent survey by the Center for Sociological Research, over 90% of Spaniards support the legalization of medical cannabis. To complicate matters, Spain grows medical cannabis for other countries. Several Spanish companies have even been granted official permission to cultivate, process, and export medical cannabis flowers but not sell them to Spaniards. 

However, there is hope for the medical cannabis industry in Spain, especially with a more progressive government in play. In recent years progress was made as the Spanish Congress voted in favor of a subcommittee that will review the effects of medical cannabis in other countries and how that could translate to Spain’s medical system. 

Spain was one of the first European countries to legalize personal marijuana usage and cultivation for personal consumption, but its rules as to medical usage are far more restrictive. Even though cannabis is used by individuals and cannabis consumption is regulated rather liberally in Spain, Spanish patients cannot obtain medical cannabis lawfully.

Beard Bros hopes to see you at one of our conferences in the near future. In the meantime, check out our events page or head on over to our blog and check out other marijuana-related topics! 

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