We have published for, written about and supported Edwin Rubis for years now. It absolutely breaks our heart that here we are writing about him, still, in the context of being behind bars for a non-violent cannabis “crime”
There are CEO’s of large multi-state operations that are just as, if not more guilty, of “cannabis crimes” than Edwin. Yet they fly in private jets and live in mansions while Edwin continues to suffer in a prison cell for selling a plant, the same as they do. Every. Single. Day.

From Edwin:
“August 20th 2023, marks my twenty-fifth birthday in prison. Nothing to brag about. I was 29 years old when I walked through the prison gates.
Now, I am 55, and still here. The years, long and tedious, have tried to snuff out any hope I have for freedom; they have demolished my faith to nil, forcing me to repulsively drink the bitter dregs of doubt, loneliness, and frustration.
Who will remember my birthday? My sons, now in their mid-twenties, have long forgotten; my parents, in their early eighties, too old to remember; my friends, few in number, likely here and there; other prisoners, well, simply unaware.
So on this special day (at least, in my eyes) I’ll just say, “Happy Birthday to me,” for one more year lived, for one more year waiting to be unshackled and be set free.”
Edwin has a fundraiser Currently where he hopes to raise money to go toward legal counsel public awareness and political support of his situation.
Please donate if you can.
“Edwin has served over 24 years in Federal Prison for a non-violent Marijuana crime. He is a victim of the perpetual “war-on-drugs”. Throughout his incarceration, his family has sought numerous ways to obtain his freedom.
They’ve all proven fruitless, due to a lack of funds to hire legal counsel, newspaper ads to promote public awareness, and to generate bi-partisan political support.

Edwin is a fully rehabilitated individual. While imprisoned, he has earned x3 college degrees, which include a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and he’s now working on his Doctorate [read Edwin’s story on Freedomgrow.org].
Edwin has a large family, who miss him very much. You can help bring Edwin home by your financial donation. Any amount you give will be greatly appreciated. Help us right this wrong in the name of Justice!
Thank-you and God-Bless YOU!”
Donation link below:
Our Previous articles authored by Rubin:
Edwin Rubis: A Glimpse Into the Belly of the Beast – Beard Bros Pharms
Edwin Rubis: Going Hard Against the Grain – Beard Bros Pharms
Father’s Day in the Slammer – Beard Bros Pharms
One More Casualty From “The War on Drugs” – Beard Bros Pharms
4/20 – What Does It Mean To Me? – Beard Bros Pharms
Father’s Day in the Slammer, Again – Beard Bros Pharms
Fettered Love – Beard Bros Pharms
Where Is My Clemency Petition? Where Is President Biden’s Mercy? (beardbrospharms.com)