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Gov. Newsome Vetoes Cannabis Cafe Bill AB 374

The Cannabis Cafe Bill AB 374 was a highly anticipated piece of legislation in the state of California. It aimed to legalize cannabis consumption lounges, also known as “cannabis cafes,” where patrons could enjoy non-infused food and beverages while using cannabis products.

The bill had gained support from both sides of the political spectrum and passed with overwhelming votes in both the Assembly and the Senate. However, despite this widespread support, Governor Gavin Newsom chose to veto the bill.

AB 374

AB 374 aimed to provide an avenue for cannabis businesses to expand their offerings and attract new customers. It would have allowed local jurisdictions to authorize licensed cannabis retailers to serve non-cannabis food and beverages and host live events at their premises.

This would have not only provided a new revenue stream for struggling cannabis businesses but also created job opportunities in the hospitality sector. By allowing cannabis cafes to operate, AB 374 aimed to further support and grow California’s budding cannabis industry. Despite its potential benefits, the bill ultimately faced concerns from Governor Newsom about undermining existing smoke-free workplace protections.

Concerns Over Smoke-Free Workplace Protections

Governor Newsom’s decision to veto AB 374 was based on his concerns about potentially undermining existing smoke-free workplace protections. As the bill would allow the smoking of cannabis in designated areas within these cafes, it raised concerns about the health and safety of workers in these establishments.

However, it is worth mentioning that similar concerns have been addressed in other states where cannabis cafes operate through the use of air filtration systems and designated smoking areas. These measures could have also been implemented in California to address this concern.

Disappointment and Frustration

The veto of AB 374 has left many supporters disappointed and frustrated. Assemblymember Matt Haney, who authored the bill, expressed his disappointment in the Governor’s decision, stating that it was a missed opportunity for California’s cannabis industry.

In a statement released Sunday, Haney said, “Californians are proud of our state’s wine culture, and we do everything we can to make sure that our winemakers receive the support they need—we need to be doing the exact same thing for cannabis. If we don’t start better supporting these businesses we are going to lose decades of being at the forefront of the cannabis movement, and other states will be ready to swoop in and take it from us.”

The bill had gained support from various groups, including labor unions and local governments, who saw its potential to boost economic growth and job opportunities in the state.

Furthermore, with neighboring states like Nevada already allowing cannabis cafes, there are concerns about California losing out on potential revenue to these states. Despite the disappointment, many supporters remain hopeful for a revised version of the bill to be introduced in the future.

Overall, the Cannabis Cafe Bill AB 374 was seen as a way to combat the illicit market in California by providing legal cannabis businesses with an avenue to attract consumers through the sale of non-infused food and beverages. Despite gaining widespread support from both state legislature chambers, it faced a disappointing veto from Governor Gavin Newsom.

The Governor’s concerns over smoke-free workplace protections could have been quickly resolved by implementing measures such as air filtration systems in cannabis cafes. Hopefully, an amended version of the bill will be introduced in the future, allowing for the realization of legal cannabis consumption lounges in California. This would not only benefit the state’s cannabis industry but also provide job opportunities and economic growth in the hospitality sector.

So, let us keep our hope alive for the amended version of AB 374 to pass soon and make cannabis cafes a reality in California.

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