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Psychedelics Updates From Around the Country

psychedelics updates around country

Earlier this week, a panel for the Maryland House of Delegates took up a bill, passed by the Senate, that has the potential to be used to fund psychedelic therapy for Veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries. 

According to the bill, the use of psilocybin, MDMA, and Ketamine for therapeutic reasons would be “cost-free” to Veterans who are qualified to receive it. The proposal will set up a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injuries Alternative Therapy Fund, and aside from providing psychedelic therapy options for Veterans at no cost, it will also be used to conduct research on “the use of alternative therapies for veterans with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries,” according to Marijuana Moment.

This bill comes on the heels of many others being proposed in States all across the nation, as the country is finally finding itself emerging from the darkness into the 21st century.

Psychedelic Therapy Across the US

States across the country are finally beginning to understand the benefits of psychedelic therapy in easing mental health and addiction issues. In recent months, 17 states – Including Maryland – have proposed bills or committees to either decriminalize psychedelics or fund research into their use as alternative therapies for sufferers of mental illnesses.

These states include:

California: Senator Scott Weiner has proposed a bill that would legalize the possession of psychedelics. In an interview with Marijuana Moment, the senator said he believes that his bill has a 50/50 chance of passing.

Colorado: Activists in the state of Colorado have drafted a ballot that would “legalize psilocybin, create licensed healing centers where people can use the psychedelic for therapeutic purposes, and provide a pathway for record sealing for prior convictions.”

Connecticut: Last month, a legislative committee in Connecticut approved a bill that would provide qualified patients with access to psychedelic therapy and treatment through the assisted use of psilocybin and MDMA. A separate bill, signed by Governor Ned Lamont, would push the state to fund research into the therapeutic potential of psilocybin.

Georgia: Lawmakers in the state of Georgia have advanced a bill that would establish a House committee that would research the use of therapeutic psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms, and make suggestions for law reforms.

Hawaii: Recently, a bill was approved in the Hawaii Senate that will establish a state workgroup to study the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, as well as develop a long-term plan that would make psilocybin mushrooms accessible to adults over 21 for medicinal use.

Michigan: A massive signature drive, put together by activists in Michigan, has been organized in order to put a measure on the statewide ballot this November that would legalize the possession, cultivation, and sharing of psychedelics, as well as establish a system for their spiritual and therapeutic use. The last version of the initiative was verified by Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers last month.

Missouri: A Republican-led bill to legalize therapeutic psychedelics at care facilities designated for their use was heard by a Missouri House committee last month. The bill would also decriminalize low-level possession.

New Hampshire: A whole host of bills have been filed recently in New Hampshire. Among them are several bills to legalize marijuana, decriminalize psilocybin, and reduce penalties for drug offenses that are non-violent.

Oklahoma: In February, a bill passed in the Oklahoma House of Representatives that will push for research into the therapeutic use of psilocybin, as well decriminalize low-level possession of the psychedelic.

Oregon: A bill has been advanced by the Oregon Senate that will “ensure that equity is built into the state’s historic therapeutic psilocybin program that’s actively being implemented following voter approval in 2020.”

Pennsylvania: A bill to help push for research into the use of medicinal psilocybin for specific mental health conditions has almost stalled in its tracks at the moment, as one of the House Committee chairs has expressed their concerns over the potential for overdose on psilocybin, despite the psychedelic having an extremely low toxicity rate.

Rhode Island: Last month, lawmakers in Rhode Island introduced two bills that would decriminalize certain drugs. One of these bills would decriminalize psilocybin, and allow doctors to prescribe it to patients. 

Texas: Last year, Texas enacted legislation that required the state to research the medical benefits and risks of Ketamine, MDMA, and psilocybin for Veterans. This legislation was enacted in partnership with a military medical center and Baylor College of Medicine.

Utah: Last month, Utah Governor, Spencer Cox, signed a bill that would establish a task force in order to research and provide suggestions on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics, as well as potential regulations for their legalization.

Virginia: A panel for the Virginia House of Delegates recently took up a bill to decriminalize psychedelics. As of this writing, the bill has been pushed off until 2023. 

Washington State: Washington State Legislature got a bill across the desk of the Governor that includes in it a proposal to “direct $200,000 in funding to support a new workgroup to study the possibility of legalizing psilocybin services in the state, including the idea of using current marijuana regulatory systems to track psychedelic mushrooms.” In January, another bill was created to legalize assisted psilocybin use for therapeutic purposes.

Related Reading: Will We Eventually Have Psilocybin Dispensaries… Should We?

As the nation continues to fight for country-wide legalization of cannabis, many states are beginning to see the benefits of psychedelic therapy. Whether they’re simply interested in researching the potential of psychedelics for therapeutic use, or are on their way to decriminalizing or legalizing certain psychedelics as a whole, it’s clear that around the country, states are waking up to the potential that psychedelics have for those suffering from mental health issues.

We hope that soon enough, this won’t even have to be a discussion anymore, and the controversy surrounding both cannabis and psychedelics will be a thing of the past. 

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