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THC Potency Issues Come to Florida Testing Labs

thc potency issues florida testing labs

It’s no secret that inflation has rocked the United States over the past few years. But it seems to be taking a toll on more than just cash — cannabis strength also seems to be rising like crazy … or is it?

In Florida, regulators recently cracked down on several licensed medical marijuana testing labs, tightening the screws on the part of the cannabis industry that is increasingly coming under fire across the country.

The issues of inflated THC potency results and lab shopping are hot topics in the cannabis industry right now. And this isn’t just a Florida problem — it’s a nationwide issue.

The Problem With Inflated Potency

Over the past four years, America’s legal cannabis industry has been plagued by a problem: unscrupulous marijuana companies are passing off products as having higher potency and other numbers that they don’t really meet. This is a huge problem for consumers and the industry, but unfortunately, it seems like it’s getting worse.

In 2018, California state inspectors found that large numbers of cannabis products destined for the legal retail market were failing necessary third-party lab testing that is required by the state before those products can be sold. The problem has only worsened since then, with many companies continuing to fake potency and other numbers on their packaging.

This problem isn’t just an issue for consumers — it’s also bad for the industry itself. If people are buying products that don’t actually match what they’re advertising, then they’re going to be disappointed when they aren’t getting what they expected. In turn, this will make people less likely to buy from certain brands in the future or even consider trying out new ones altogether, and no one wants that!

Problem Inflated Potency

Florida’s Struggle

Florida’s cannabis testing facilities are having a hard time surviving.

The need for more state-run testing labs that audit testing-lab results has grown as a result of the state’s fixation with potency.

In August, two testing labs were given a $20,000 punishment by the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) for allegedly using procedures that were against state laws. Both ACS Laboratory, with headquarters in Sun City Center, and Green Scientific Labs (GSL), with headquarters in Davie, received fines for employing PCR testing to look for mold and yeast when they weren’t authorized to.

The fines were the result of a “clerical error,” according to representatives of both labs, but the market status seems to support a different explanation. The truth is the cannabis industry has become quite cutthroat.

With so many labs licensed to test cannabis in Florida, some labs will do whatever it takes to keep their business booming. If that means lying about the THC levels of your product, then they’re more than happy to do it.

The only people losing here are consumers who think they’re smoking dank when they’re smoking shake.

Possible Solutions

One possible option is for the state to construct an audit trail that verifies testing results.

The CEO of Method Testing Labs, Keith Browning, claimed that his organization has been advocating for such a change. He claimed that if the state took this action, it would help allay worries about inaccurate reporting and other problems. He also said that fewer licenses for lab testing would also help improve working conditions at testing facilities.

Customers prioritize speedy turnaround above affordable services. The proprietors of laboratories have complained that by not falsifying data, they lost business, and they want this to be stopped. For customers to be able to access accurate test results, potency inflation and lab shopping must stop being so common.

Florida’s Struggle

We are in the midst of a nationwide problem. The cannabis industry is overcrowded and poorly integrated. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by all players in the industry immediately.

It’s also time to move away from the obsession with THC percentages and start thinking about how we can classify weed based on its terpene profile. We need to do something different if we’re going to help consumers get good weed at fair prices.

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