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Virginia Governor Continues To Stifle Adult-Use Marijuana Legalization

Virginia has been on the edge of Adult-Use Marijuana for several years. In 2021, the House and Senate passed legislation that would create the framework for legal adult-use cannabis sales in the state with the Cannabis Control Act.

Despite this success, Governor Glenn Youngkin has not taken any measures to move forward with legalization and enable sales by 2024 as planned. This stifling of adult-use marijuana legalization is costing Virginia projected hundreds of millions, if not billions, in lost revenue from taxes and fees associated with legal cannabis sales.

The lack of action from Gov. Youngkin could have far-reaching effects on Virginia’s economy and social progress. Not only does it mean that millions of dollars are being left on the table each year, but it also means that the state is missing out on additional tax income and local job creation opportunities.

Additionally, legal adult-use cannabis sales in Virginia would provide access to quality-tested products for consumers while providing resources for those communities disproportionately targeted by the enforcement of marijuana laws.

Gov. Youngkin’s inaction has prevented Virginia from taking advantage of these potential economic benefits and making progress toward positive social change. By stifling adult-use marijuana legalization, Gov. Youngkin is putting partisan politics ahead of what’s best for the people of Virginia.

It remains to be seen if he will take action before 2024 and enable recreational cannabis sales in the state or if his term in office will lead to further delays in this important matter.

The Obstacles To Adult Use Sales In Virginia Today

The Cannabis Control Act passed by Virginia lawmakers in 2021 was a significant step toward legalizing recreational cannabis sales in the state. However, there is still strong Republican opposition to marijuana legalization, and Gov. Youngkin’s term in office has only added more resistance to this effort.

Though Gov. Youngkin claims that he supports the legalization of recreational cannabis, he has taken no action to move forward with this initiative. Instead, his administration has moved to cut funding for the Cannabis Control Authority—the body responsible for regulating legal cannabis sales—and put a stop to any further progress toward adult-use sales.

Further, Republican lawmakers have killed one retail bill during the session. They are pushing back against other efforts to legalize marijuana even though it has been made clear that legalization would bring substantial economic benefits to the state.

Gov. Youngkin’s term in office is obstructing Virginia’s progress towards adult-use cannabis sales and costing the state hundreds of millions, if not billions, in lost revenue from taxes and fees associated with legal cannabis sales. By stifling marijuana legalization, Gov. Youngkin continues to prioritize partisan politics over what’s best for the people of Virginia.

“Governor Youngkin has stated that he is not interested in any further moves towards legalization of adult recreational use marijuana,” said Joseph Guthrie, commissioner of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, during a Virginia Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council meeting last week. “So I wouldn’t expect that during his administration.”

Unless he takes action soon, it is unlikely that recreational cannabis sales will launch in 2024 as planned.

The Positive Provisions Of The Cannabis Control Authority That Remain In Effect

Although Gov. Youngkin’s term in office has hindered progress toward adult-use marijuana sales, there are still some positive provisions of the Cannabis Control Authority that remain in effect.

These include rules for quality control and safety testing for cannabis products and regulations regarding packaging and labeling standards. Additionally, funds from legal cannabis sales will be reinvested into communities disproportionately targeted by the enforcement of marijuana laws.

Though these beneficial provisions remain in effect, Gov. Youngkin’s continued stifling of adult-use legalization is preventing Virginia from realizing the full potential economic benefits that legal recreational cannabis sales would bring about.

By cutting funding for the Cannabis Control Authority and obstructing progress toward marijuana legalization, Gov. Youngkin is once again prioritizing partisan politics over what’s best for his constituents.

The lack of action from Gov. Youngkin could have far-reaching effects on Virginia’s economy and social progress, including hundreds of millions, if not billions, in lost revenue from taxes and fees associated with legal cannabis sales that would otherwise be reinvested into local communities.

It is time for Gov. Youngkin to take action and pass legislation necessary for recreational marijuana sales to launch by 2024 as planned. It is the only way to ensure that those in Virginia can reap these economic benefits and make progress toward positive social change.

Legalization Is The Right Move For Virginia

Legalizing adult-use cannabis sales is not only the right thing for Virginia but also the smart thing to do. In states that have already legalized recreational marijuana, there has been an enormous boost in economic activity, job creation, and tax revenue—amounting to millions of dollars annually.

From retail establishments to manufacturing facilities, the legal marijuana industry offers a wide variety of employment opportunities and can be a significant source of revenue for local governments. In addition, these businesses generate ancillary economic activity, including the sales of products and services to support the industry.

Not only does legalizing adult-use cannabis provide an opportunity for economic growth, but it also has the potential to reduce enforcement costs associated with criminalizing the possession of marijuana.

Additionally, legal recreational sales create a safe environment where consumers can purchase quality-tested products from licensed businesses while providing resources for those communities disproportionately targeted by the enforcement of marijuana laws.

Legalizing adult-use cannabis is a win-win situation for Virginia: It will bring substantial economic benefits through jobs and tax revenue while at the same time creating safer access to marijuana and reducing enforcement costs.

Unfortunately, Gov. Youngkin’s inaction has stifled progress toward legalization and put a stop to any further progress toward adult-use cannabis sales. Unless he takes action soon, Virginia will continue to miss out on the potential economic and social benefits that legal recreational marijuana would bring about. It is time for Gov. Youngkin to listen to the people of Virginia and move forward with legalizing recreational cannabis sales in the state.

After all, it’s what’s best for all Virginians.

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