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Where Do They Stand? Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson, renowned for her teachings and self-help literature, ventured into the political realm in 2014 when she ran for office for the first time. After running for California’s 33rd congressional district Williamson ran for office in the White House and Congress, but was never elected. Now, she is running for the 2024 presidential election and pledges to deschedule cannabis during her first day in office. 

Far from the traditional political landscape, her approach encompassed compassion and holistic healing, influencing various policy areas including her unique stance on cannabis and psychedelics. Despite not holding formal office, Williamson’s advocacy, public statements, and policy ideas reflect a unique perspective among the 2024 presidential candidates on the societal impacts and potential reform associated with these substances. 

In an interview with ABC News Williamson stated, 

“I don’t see myself running against Joe Biden, I see this campaign as challenging a system.”

Background on Marianne Williamson 

Williamson has not served in office before, but she has pledged to fight for cannabis legalization and has shown support for the medical benefits of psychedelics. Her worldview emphasized the interconnectedness of societal problems with individuals’ emotional and mental wellbeing, forming the basis of her policy propositions, including those concerning cannabis and psychedelics.

Past Policy Impact

While Williamson’s direct legislative impact remains limited, her influence on drug policy reform has been more profound. Her advocacy work and public statements contributed to shaping public discourse around alternative healing methods, drawing attention to the therapeutic possibilities of cannabis and psychedelics. Her impact echoed the broader societal shift in attitudes toward drug policy, promoting research and discourse about their potential benefits

Public Statements

Williamson’s public statements regarding cannabis and psychedelics were characterized by a focus on their therapeutic potential and societal impact. She positioned herself as a proponent of decriminalization, increased research, and public education regarding these substances’ medicinal properties. Her advocacy emphasized the need to shift societal perceptions, framing these substances as potential tools for mental health and personal growth. She has also been clear that her position is to deschedule cannabis in her first day in office, claiming that the president holds the power to do so. 

Williamson also made a bold statement that assisted psychotherapy using psychedelics should be covered by universal healthcare, and that substances like psilocybin and MDMA are already on their way to legalization.

To Williamson, the issue of cannabis and psychedelic legalization is more than just an angle, it is a part of a broader policy of reform to appeal to changing public opinion. She has tied in her views on legalization on several statements including other policies she intends to change, making cannabis reform a big part of her campaign and image.

Claims from Williamson

Central to Williamson’s claims was the need for a fundamental shift in public perception and policy regarding cannabis and psychedelics. She argued for the acknowledgment of their medicinal benefits, advocating for policies that support responsible use while addressing concerns related to misuse. Williamson’s propositions revolved around a nuanced approach to drug policy, emphasizing education, regulation, and access to therapeutic applications

Outlook on Future Policy

Looking forward, Williamson’s policy outlook may embody a holistic framework that intertwines decriminalization, regulation, and education. Her future advocacy could prioritize funding research into the therapeutic applications of these substances while advocating for a regulatory framework that balances individual liberties with public health considerations. Williamson’s vision might encompass initiatives promoting education, harm reduction, and destigmatization, aligning with her broader emphasis on holistic healing and societal transformation. 

In summary, Marianne Williamson’s views on cannabis and psychedelics transcend the conventional approaches to drug policy. Her emphasis on their therapeutic potential and the need for societal transformation reflects a comprehensive understanding of societal issues. While not holding formal political office, her advocacy hints at a future policy trajectory that prioritizes healing, education, responsible regulation, and the destigmatization of these substances.

Featured Image from Gage Skidmore Flickr

About the Author

Michael has a background in cannabis education and grew up in a family with roots in the industry. When he was Director of Events at Cannaclub UCLA he had the chance to learn from the industry and educate the student body on various aspects of the industry and the plant’s medical benefits.

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