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2022 Saw Lots of Progress on Cannabis Reforms

2022 Saw Lots of Progress on Cannabis

It’s been a big year for cannabis reform, and the momentum shows no signs of slowing. Here are some of the major accomplishments that have taken place so far in 2022.

Major Accomplishments In Several States

This year, three states legalized marijuana for adult use, including Maryland, Missouri and Rhode Island. In addition, legislatures in California, Colorado and Illinois each approved bills dealing with cannabis expungements or record sealing—and that’s just a few of the major accomplishments we’ve seen in US cannabis reform this year.

Nearly a dozen states advanced medical cannabis reform this year, including Mississippi and Kentucky, which created a Center for Cannabis Research at the University of Kentucky to facilitate studies into the benefits and risks of marijuana.

Three states plus DC enacted reform legislation concerning workplace drug testing, while major moves were made in social equity for cannabis retail licensing in states like Massachusetts and New York.

There’s even reform regarding child welfare checks, and several states are now treating cannabis use in parents like they treat alcohol. California governor Gavin Newsom (D) also signed a bill in September that revised the marijuana tax structure, hoping to undercut the strength of the illicit market as well.

Major Accomplishments In Several States

Federal Reform

This year, a historic milestone was reached in the cannabis reform movement. President Joe Biden announced a pardon for 6,000 people convicted on federal charges related to cannabis. This is the largest single-day release of federal inmates in history, and it could be a sign of what’s to come when it comes to cannabis legislation.

The SAFE banking bill is getting closer and closer to being passed. It’s been sent to the House for consideration, and if it does pass, it will allow cannabis businesses that are operating legally under state law to access bank accounts and credit lines. This would help them get access to the capital they need to grow their businesses—and help them stay afloat.

The fact is that more Americans than ever before support legalizing marijuana for recreational use—and more Republicans are coming out in favor of legalization than ever before. This shift could mean big things for the future of cannabis reform!

Federal Reform

International Cannabis Reform

As of 2022, cannabis reform is underway in a number of countries around the world.

Germany, Europe’s largest economy (and the world’s fourth largest), is moving forward with full legalization. It is not the only country in Europe to do so. Luxembourg and Malta legalized homegrown cannabis, while the Czech Republic announced plans to legalize it as well. Switzerland also decriminalized the possession and use of small amounts of cannabis. In South America, Colombia is working on legalization as well. Cannabis was also recently legalized in Thailand! 

In the past year, we’ve seen great strides in the international community’s approach to cannabis reform. Many countries have decriminalized marijuana for personal use, and some have even legalized it for both medical and recreational purposes.

Looking forward to 2023, we expect more countries will adopt similar policies that allow people to use cannabis as they see fit while also creating market structures and regulations so the industry can thrive.

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