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Canadian Citizens Look To Increase THC Limits For Cannabis Edibles

The cannabis industry in Canada has been growing rapidly since the legalization of recreational cannabis in 2018. However, there is one aspect that has been causing concern among consumers and businesses alike – the THC limits for edibles.

Currently, cannabis edibles are limited to a maximum of 10mg of THC per product. This limit was initially set as a cautionary measure for newcomers to the market, but it fails to address the needs of existing consumers and has created challenges for the legal industry.

To address these concerns, a citizen petition has been initiated in Canada’s House of Commons. The purpose of this petition is to urge the government to raise the THC limits for edibles from 10mg to 100mg.

This change would benefit both consumers and the industry as a whole, creating a more sustainable and competitive market for legal cannabis products. The petition has gained support from various organizations, highlighting the need to revisit the current restrictions and make necessary changes.

Since the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada, edibles have become a popular choice among consumers. However, their enjoyment is limited by the current THC restrictions.

Health Canada has set a maximum limit of 10mg of THC per package for edible products. While this may seem like a reasonable starting point for newcomers to the market, it fails to cater to existing consumers who require higher dosages for desired effects.

This limit also creates challenges for businesses in the legal cannabis industry. With the 10mg restriction, they are unable to compete with the illicit market which offers a wider range of products and higher potency edibles. This not only impacts their bottom line but also contributes to the ongoing issue of illegal cannabis sales in Canada.

Moreover, the current THC limit raises concerns about sustainability efforts. With smaller dosages, consumers are inclined to purchase more products, resulting in increased packaging waste and environmental impact. This issue can be addressed by increasing the THC limits for edibles and reducing the need for excessive packaging.

Endorsements from Reputable Organizations

Per the petition to raise THC limits for edibles has gained support from reputable organizations in the industry. One of them is the Canada Competition Bureau, which acknowledges that the current restrictions are “not necessary to achieve the government’s objectives”. Similarly, the Ontario Cannabis Store has emphasized the need to “revisit the current THC limits” to better meet consumer preferences and compete with the illegal market.

It is crucial to consider the recommendations and endorsements from these organizations as they bring valuable insights and expertise to the discussion. Their support for the cause further strengthens the citizen petition and highlights the importance of revisiting current restrictions to create a more competitive legal cannabis industry in Canada.

The citizen petition to increase THC limits for edibles has gained significant traction, with over 2,000 signatures as of the time of writing this article. However, the petition deadline is set for March 7th, 2024, giving concerned citizens ample time to show their support and make a difference.

If you believe in the cause and want to see positive changes in Canada’s cannabis industry, you can visit the official petition page and add your signature. Additionally, voicing your opinion through social media, contacting local representatives, and spreading awareness about the issue can also make a significant impact.

Here at Beard Bros Pharms, we understand the importance of voicing opinions to bring about change. As advocates for a sustainable and fair legal cannabis market, we support the citizen petition to increase THC limits for edibles and urge others to do the same. Let’s work together to create a better future for the cannabis industry in Canada!

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