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New York Launches Cannabis NYC To Assist Small Businesses

new york launches cannabis nyc assist small businesses

Mayor Eric Adams and Commissioner Kevin D. Kim of the New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) recently announced the launch of Cannabis NYC, a first-of-its-kind initiative and suite of services to support the equitable growth of New York City’s cannabis industry, a key pillar of Mayor Adams’ Blueprint for New York City’s Economic Recovery.

Cannabis NYC, which is housed at SBS, will assist cannabis entrepreneurs and their employees as the industry grows. The program will collaborate with industry stakeholders to produce excellent jobs, profitable small businesses, and long-term economic prospects, all while addressing the negative effects of cannabis prohibition.

Cannabis NYC services will also include the city’s first-ever technical assistance for cannabis license applicants, as well as other business services to help entrepreneurs move beyond licensing and into a profitable business.

Your Mayor Has Spoken

Mayor Eric Adams announced the launch of Cannabis NYC, a move that once again shows his unmitigated support for the sector. The new program is part of the Mayor’s ongoing efforts to expand economic opportunities for New Yorkers and strengthen the city’s emerging cannabis sector.

Mayor Adams is a Democrat and former police officer. He’s also served as a city council member, state senator, and state assemblyman. Mayor Adams is the first mayor to take an active role in advancing equity and supporting small-business growth in the cannabis industry.

A while back, Mayor Adams announced he would lead the creation of a new initiative—Cannabis NYC—to support small businesses in their efforts to enter or grow within New York City’s marijuana market. True to his word, that time has now come to pass.

The SBS is a city agency that provides free business advising services to entrepreneurs interested in licensing their existing brick and mortar businesses as medical marijuana dispensaries. SBS is also part of the de Blasio Administration’s effort to support small businesses across New York City.

Mayor Eric Adams announced the launch Cannabis NYC

New York, New York

A name so nice you just have to say it twice! What Mayor Adams has pulled off is no mean feat if one considers the fact New York City is the largest city in the United States and the most populous city in the world. With over 8 million people, it’s also one of the most densely populated places on Earth; to put that in perspective, if you want to go for a walk through Times Square or Central Park, you can expect to find yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with thousands of other people.

If you’re even thinking about moving to New York or opening a business there, it’s worth doing your research first before committing too much time and money into getting started.

In addition to Mayor Adams, the program will be managed by SBS, which has been working to advance economic opportunity for New Yorkers since 2012. With Mayor Adams’ leadership, SBS has helped create affordable housing, access to capital, and workforce development opportunities throughout New York City.

“The cannabis conversation in this country must include equity efforts that address historic injustices and provide equal access to economic opportunity for communities that have been hardest hit by the war on drugs,” said Deborah Ale-Flint, Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “It is past time that we have these conversations at the state level so that New York City can take action to create a thriving and equitable legal cannabis market.”

New York City largest city United States

In closing, Mayor Adams himself states, “The regulated adult-use cannabis industry is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our underserved communities that have, for too long, faced disproportionate rates of drug-related incarceration to get in on the industry on the ground floor.”

He goes on to say, “Cannabis NYC will plant the seeds for the economy of tomorrow by helping New Yorkers apply for licenses and understand how to open and successfully run a business, while simultaneously rolling equity into our economy by giving those who have been justice-involved and those with a cannabis conviction a chance to succeed. This is about creating good jobs, successful small businesses, and finally delivering equity to communities harmed by the ‘War on Drugs.’”

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