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Should Dry January be Renamed “Cannuary”?

It’s been 10 years since the launch of Dry January by Alcohol Change UK in 2013, with 2023 seeing the possible change of Dry January to Cannuary thanks to surveys showing a move from alcohol to cannabis.

Civic Science reported on the outcomes of a recent survey which found 21% of participants doing Dry January replaced alcohol with cannabis and CBD products.

Survey Participants And Outcomes

Survey participants comprised different age groups, including 21-24, 25-34, 35-54, and 55 and above. With regards to age groups, the 21-24 age group was the largest group to replace alcohol with cannabis and CBD-related products, totaling 34%. This was followed by the 25-34 age group, which totaled 24%. 22% was made up by the 35-54 age group, followed by the 55 and above age group, which totaled 9%.

Regarding replacement alternatives, 21% of the participants replaced alcohol with cannabis and CBD products, 20% replaced alcohol with non-alcoholic beverages, 20% replaced alcohol with soda, 6% chose kombucha instead, and 33% did not replace alcohol with anything.

January to Cannuary Survey Participants And Outcomes

When There Is An Option To Use It, Individuals Will Choose It

It is surveys like these which confidently reinforce the public stance of cannabis being the safer alternative when compared to alcohol. This is bolstered by general statistics from numerous polls showing an increase in alcohol abstinence.

With the popularity rising for cannabis over alcohol, it is becoming even more clear that if and when individuals have safe access to cannabis, they will use it over alcohol or avoid alcohol altogether. Now, it is hoped that Canuary will flow into February and beyond, with all the months of the year seeing abstinence from alcohol and the consumption of this safer alternative.

January to Cannuary When There Is An Option To Use It, Individuals Will Choose It

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