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US Marijuana Acceptance on Same Upward Path as Same-Sex Marriage

us marijuana acceptance

The similarity of marijuana and same-sex marriage as issues of public policy and legalization is boding well for the continued normalization of cannabis. And, if it’s published in The Washington Post, it’s clear as day that marijuana acceptance is certainly on the same path as same-sex marriages. Soon, Jane and Jane or Bob and Bob will be enjoying a hit without prejudice, stares, and fears of being locked up. 

From Outlawed To Mainstream, Cheers To This Plant, Cheers To The ‘Queens’ 

In just a few decades, older generations and the hardcore regulations that came with them are being replaced with open-mindedness, a younger generation and liberation of all things new, authentic and ‘to each their own.’

Academic studies and public polls are rolling out all in favor of marijuana, as they did in the past with same-sex marriages. American attitudes are clearly changing when reputable universities like Monmouth University report, “Overall, two-thirds (68%) of the American public supports legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use. This includes 76% of Democrats and 73% of independents, along with 52% of Republicans. By age, support is highest among those under 35 years old (87%) but also includes a majority of those aged 55 and over (53%). Support levels for legalizing marijuana are similar by parental status and by race.”

Even CNN has something good to report, “Support for legalizing marijuana has steadily soared over the past quarter century – from 16% in 1987 to 26% in 1996, 34% in 2002, and 43% two years ago.”

A Different View from 25 Years And A Decade Of Stone-Throwers

Adding to this, The Washington Post states, “Compared with 25 years ago, the poll numbers regarding marijuana legalization have flipped. In 1997, an ABC News poll showed just 22 percent supported legalizing possession of small amounts for personal use, and three-quarters opposed it.”

The report continues, “That position had been held since the 1980s. But since then, the trajectory has been steadily and rather sharply tilting toward legalization.”

Now, 25 years later, support for the legalization and normalization of weed is showing similar support which was garnered for same-sex marriages. According to news reports, “Only about one-quarter supported these policies in the late 1990s; now about seven in 10 support them.

As popular publications report, “Analyzing how all this came about is the key to understanding the way in which the marijuana debate will unfold in the years ahead.” So, what does the future hold?

Different View 25 Years And A Decade Stone-Throwers

All The Support For Weed Now May Not Render The Same Result For Same-Sex Marriages Later

While this skyrocketing support for marijuana may seem promising, with measures to legalize recreational marijuana underway in a few US states, the touchy nature of this fine plant may still see disappointing results. States may choose not to not pass the bill, and Conservatives may go silent, as they did with same-sex marriages. Ballot initiatives may not pave the way for legislators, either. 

With this, while support for weed may mirror the same-sex marriage track record in the recent past and the parallels between the two groups going from radical outlaws to mainstream, the future may look bright. But this bright may dim quickly. However, for now, the future looks bright and bright because it may be lit up with pot.

When Individual Autonomy Is Important To The US Public, It’s Time To Hit It Up

For those who hold notions of individual autonomy close to their chest, or smoke-filled lungs, and for those who hold strong beliefs about what the government should regulate, we invite you along with those who feel the same to enjoy a hit.

When Individual Autonomy Important US Public, It’s Time To Hit It Up


Enjoyed that first hit? Come chill with us every week at the Friday Sesh for a freshly packed bowl of the week’s best cannabis news!

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