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Majority of Americans Consider Using Marijuana Socially Acceptable and More…

A recent poll conducted by CBS News revealed that most Americans now consider using marijuana openly to be socially acceptable. This comes as no surprise, given the growing acceptance of recreational marijuana use and the emergence of licensed dispensaries in many neighborhoods across the United States.

The poll found that a majority of Americans share this view, though most Republicans, conservatives, seniors over 65, and those who regularly attend religious services disagree. Interestingly, the poll also found that Americans who believe none of their friends or family members use marijuana are by far the most likely to judge other people for using it — and to feel that they themselves would be judged for doing so.

The poll further revealed that even though two-thirds of Americans say they never personally use marijuana themselves, more than four in 10 acknowledge knowing at least some members of their friends and family who do. Of those who do use marijuana at least occasionally, nearly half reported that most of their friends and family know about it.

Americans remain divided on having a licensed business in their neighborhood that sells recreational marijuana. Those who favor it say that it would make marijuana use safer and easier to regulate and that it would also bring in more tax revenue to the community. On the other hand, those who oppose having a licensed seller in their neighborhood cite concerns about access by minors, decreased property values, increased crime, health risks associated with marijuana use, and the fact that it is still illegal at the federal level.

Despite these differing opinions on public consumption and dispensary locations, an overwhelming majority of Americans — including both a large majority of Democrats and independents as well as a slim majority of Republicans — agree that recreational marijuana should be legalized. However, most older Republicans and those who consider themselves very conservative are still skeptical about cannabis legalization.

Overall, the poll speaks to an increasingly tolerant attitude toward marijuana use in the United States. As more states move toward legalizing it for recreational purposes, and as acceptance of public consumption continues to grow, it seems likely that attitudes will continue to change in favor of cannabis reform.

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