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Minnesota Continues Seeking Public Input To Create Industry Framework

In 2014, Minnesota legalized medical cannabis for qualifying patients with certain conditions. Then, earlier this year in 2023, the state passed legislation to legalize adult-use recreational cannabis. This move has opened up an opportunity for the state’s Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) to work on creating a framework for the industry.

As part of this process, OCM is seeking public input to gather diverse perspectives and opinions on various aspects of the industry. This includes input from both industry members and community members. This public input will play a crucial role in shaping the industry framework that will ultimately affect all stakeholders.

The first survey, which focused on operators, received over 700 responses. Now, OCM is seeking input through their second survey on testing, environmental controls, and pesticides and fertilizers. This is the second of five planned surveys, demonstrating a commitment to involving the community in the decision-making process. By seeking input from a wide range of individuals, OCM hopes to create an inclusive and well-rounded framework for Minnesota’s cannabis industry.

In the first survey, which focused on operators, OCM received over 700 responses. The key takeaways from this survey include:

  • The requirements for all stages of the cannabis market need to allow access for smaller businesses, and clarity is needed regarding the role of the home grower in the larger cannabis marketplace.
  • There is a need for technical support for growers and processors – specifically to teach skills and methods to those new to the industry.
  • There is a high degree of importance to establishing cultivation businesses to supply future processing, manufacturing, and retail market needs.
  • Access to and reliability of laboratory testing and related testing records are important for a credible and safe market.
  • Processing and manufacturing requirements should rely on systems-based control approaches similar to industries like food and pharmaceuticals.

Public Input Surveys

OCM is committed to gathering input from the public to create a comprehensive and inclusive industry framework for Minnesota’s cannabis market. Through a series of surveys, OCM is seeking input on various topics that will shape the industry.

The second survey, currently open for responses, focuses on testing, environmental controls, and pesticides and fertilizers.

The survey also includes open-ended questions where participants can provide their opinions, experiences, and suggestions related to these topics. This valuable input will be used to inform regulations and guidelines for these key aspects of the cannabis industry.

Additionally, OCM has announced that they will be conducting future surveys for input in crafting legislation:

  • Available Dec. 15–28: Retail business operations; retail sanitary standards (facilities and handling); expedited complaint process for local governments
  • Available Dec. 29–Jan. 12, 2024: Packaging and labeling; integrated cannabis tracking, inventory, and verification system
  • Available Jan. 13–Jan. 26, 2024: Licensing; social equity considerations 

By seeking public input through surveys and other opportunities for involvement, OCM is not only gathering valuable insights and perspectives, but also increasing community buy-in and support for the final industry framework. By involving a diverse range of voices in the decision-making process, OCM is ensuring that the needs and concerns of all stakeholders are taken into consideration.

This approach also helps to build trust and transparency between OCM and the public, as well as within the industry itself. By actively seeking input from operators, community members, and other stakeholders, OCM is fostering a more collaborative and inclusive approach to shaping Minnesota’s cannabis industry.

This, in turn, can lead to a more successful and sustainable industry that meets the needs of all involved.

Overall, the ongoing public input process is an essential aspect of creating a well-rounded and inclusive industry framework for Minnesota’s cannabis market. By seeking input from various stakeholders through surveys and other avenues, OCM is ensuring that the final legislation reflects the needs and perspectives of the entire community.

This not only increases support for the framework but also sets a strong foundation for the future success of Minnesota’s cannabis industry. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to participate in OCM’s current survey and stay tuned for future opportunities to provide input and shape the industry framework. Your voice matters in creating a thriving and equitable cannabis market in Minnesota.

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