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Personalized cannabis for Veterans- Can this finally support post-combat PTSD?

personalized cannabis veterans ptsd

More than 2 million US soldiers have been active in deployments since 2001, and many return battered and bruised both mentally and physically. The social stigma that has surrounded mental health has severely affected the treatment available for veterans and impacted the quality of care they receive for the trauma experienced during active duty. Veterans do have access through the Department of Defense healthcare system, but the system has failed to ensure that veterans get proper care for PTSD. Endocanna Health has partnered with We Decode to develop a system to get veterans access to personalized cannabis.

What Is Personalized Cannabis? 

Endocanna Health and We Decode have partnered to delve into the world of DNA testing and biomarker mapping to personalize how, what, and how much cannabis should be taken for each individual case. As a genomics screening company, We Decode can be a powerful tool for individuals to make decisions on their healthcare journey. This allows people to choose products that will ultimately influence them optimally.

The test will enable them to decode 675,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These SNPs are related to the endocannabinoid system, and this enabled them to develop the most comprehensive endocannabinoid DNA test that is available to this day. SNPs are central to mental wellbeing, and this will enable them to cater a program to each specific individual based on how their body and mind interact. This will cut down on time patients waste in trying and testing products and even moving between different treatment centers

Personalized Cannabis And The Veterans’ Battle

The heavy imprint that active-duty leaves on veterans have been widely discussed, but not widely treated. To understand how cannabis can help veterans suffering from PTSD, we need to look at the symptoms veterans suffer from and how cannabis can help treat and offer relief from these.

Cannabis has been proven to help with the brain’s fear response to threats. Cannabis can help relieve stress and anxiety and this is key to treating a veteran suffering from PTSD. A study has also delved into the effects of cannabis on actually minimizing the intensity of fearful memories. A cannabis strain higher in THC can also help insomnia, how? By reducing the amount of REM sleep you get. If you reduce the amount of REM sleep, you increase the deeper sleep, giving you more rest and fewer nightmares. Chronic pain is a daily battle many veterans trudge through due to their physical injuries, and cannabis has been proven to reduce the effects of chronic pain. This means that cannabis can be an effective treatment for veterans as scientific studies have supported the use of cannabis in differentiated situations. Endocanna health and We Decode have brought all these pieces together to start actively helping veterans combat the detrimental effects of PTSD.

This can be the first step in a major remodel in the treatment of PTSD. Endocanna CEO, Len May, says that the future of whole body therapeutics is here and that this business model will serve veterans to get the help they desperately need. One way We Decode is helping to get this project running is to offer test kits to veterans at a discounted rate through the Operation Give Hope project. This project allows anyone to purchase a kit for a veteran at a discounted price, helping to increase the accessibility of the test kit and the success of the program. The revolutionary approach these two companies have taken to bring sensible, effective, and long-term healthcare to veterans by incorporating cannabis has been the move the industry has been hoping for.

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