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Three New Psychedelic Research Bills Filed In Texas

In recent years, psychedelic therapy has gained attention as a promising treatment for mental health disorders. However, despite its potential benefits, many legal and regulatory barriers exist to using psychedelics in therapy. In Texas, however, lawmakers are taking steps to expand the state’s sponsored research on psychedelic therapy. In this article, we will discuss the forward progress in Texas toward legalizing psychedelic therapy and the details of the three bills that lawmakers filed.

Psychedelic Therapy In Texas

Texas has long been known as an anti-drug state, with strict laws and regulations surrounding the use of controlled substances. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelics such as psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine. These substances have been shown to be effective in treating various mental health disorders, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Despite the growing body of research supporting the use of psychedelics in therapy, many legal and regulatory barriers remain. In Texas, for example, the possession of MDMA is illegal under the Texas Health and Safety Code. However, lawmakers in the state are taking steps to expand research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics.

The Three Bills

On March 8th, 2023, three bills were filed by Texas lawmakers to expand state-sponsored research on psychedelic therapy. These bills are HB 4288, HB 4289, and HB 4290. Let’s take a closer look at each of these bills.

HB 4288

HB 4288, filed by Rep. Richard Peña Raymond, would establish a program to study the therapeutic use of psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine in treating mental health disorders. The program would be overseen by the Texas Department of State Health Services and would require the agency to establish rules and regulations for the use of these substances in therapy. The bill would also provide funding for research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics.

HB 4289

HB 4289, also filed by Rep. Richard Peña Raymond, would allow licensed healthcare professionals, including nurse practitioners, to administer ketamine to treat mental health disorders. Currently, ketamine can only be administered by licensed physicians in Texas. This bill would expand access to ketamine treatment by allowing nurse practitioners and other licensed healthcare professionals to administer the drug.

HB 4290

HB 4290, filed by Rep. Richard Peña Raymond and Rep. James White, would allow the possession of MDMA for use in clinical trials and research studies. Under current Texas law, the possession of MDMA is illegal, even for research purposes. This bill would allow researchers to legally possess MDMA for the purpose of conducting clinical trials and research studies.

Psychedelic Therapy In Texas

What This Means For Psychedelic Therapy In Texas

Filing these bills is a significant step forward for psychedelic therapy in Texas. While the bills do not legalize the use of psychedelics in therapy, they do represent a recognition by lawmakers of the potential benefits of these substances. By expanding research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics, Texas is taking a step towards potentially relaxing restrictions on these substances.

In addition to the potential benefits for patients, the expansion of research into psychedelic therapy could also have economic benefits for the state. Psychedelic retreats, such as those established in states like Oregon and Colorado, could bring in significant revenue for Texas. These retreats offer patients the opportunity to undergo psychedelic therapy in a safe and controlled environment with the guidance of trained professionals.


The filing of these three bills is a significant step forward for psychedelic therapy in Texas. While ​​there is still a long way to go before psychedelics are widely accepted as a legitimate form of treatment, these bills represent a positive development in the conversation around their use. If passed, the bills would expand research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics, increase access to ketamine treatment, and allow for the legal possession of MDMA for research purposes.

It is also encouraging to see lawmakers in Texas taking a more nuanced approach to drug policy. Texas has long been known for its harsh drug laws, but filing these bills suggests that attitudes toward drug use are shifting. By recognizing the potential benefits of psychedelics in therapy, lawmakers are taking a step towards a more compassionate and evidence-based approach to drug policy.

If these bills are passed, they could pave the way for further legalization efforts in Texas. With growing public support for the therapeutic use of psychedelics, it seems likely that we will see more legislation aimed at relaxing restrictions on these substances in the future. And while it may take some time for psychedelics to be widely accepted as a legitimate form of therapy, filing these bills is a positive development for advocates of psychedelic therapy in Texas and beyond.

What This Means For Psychedelic Therapy In Texas

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